It is mid-May and many of you have started your GCSE exams, or are worrying about A-level exams to come, but do not worry, you’re not alone. Tens of thousands of people like you are just worrying!
The test time is a time of great stress and anxiety for many young people aged 16-18 worldwide, either GCSE level, A-Levels, diplomas or whatever your country offers before they reach university. A feeling that the rest of your life rides on the results you get may be very disturbing, but do not worry, because there are simple ways to reduce your stress and help you feel proud of your check on your work .
* Association … Try to remember your studies to a particular song, in this way during the exam if you have trouble remembering something, the song can help you remember what you forgot.
* Post-it! Write a large number of sticky notes and place them in areas frequently used in the house, toilet seats, mirrors, water heaters, bookcases, computers, monitors, etc. This way, you will read and review, without want.
Now for those of their tests, do not worry!
Now for parents of children who are stressed by their exams, trying to promote through their revision and exams. I know this may sound like bribery, but we try to reward them if they do well in their exams, making them harder to get push-to-pay, especially if that something they would never to be anything else. Web sites that help and encourage students to be tested by an active community many people pass by him or a series of articles written by students.